Start 2024 with
 Plan(s) for Your Coaching Business Success!

What Works in Business is Constantly Changing.
Roll with the Changes by Starting 2024 with a Plan!

The Advance Your Business Strategic Planning Workshop for ADHD Life Coaches (or any Solo Entrepreneur) Who:

  • Wants a more effective strategy to market your business and attract your ideal clients

  • Had your world turned upside down in the past few years and need to figure out how to work and juggle remote, in-person, or both coaching.

  • Is earning less than $5,000 per month and wishes you could make an income that removed financial stress from your life.

  • Feels like 'plan' is a four-letter word but wants to stop running around in circles.

  • Is confused about planning – finding the time to plan, implementing the plan, or prioritizing the plan so you stop being scattered.

  • Has the vision but feels overwhelmed with the daily to-dos and never has time to think about what's next.

  • Wants to experience more work-life balance.

  • Is anxious about what the next year will bring and doesn't want to start without a Plan A...or Plan B...or even Plan G.

  • Works tirelessly all day but finishes the day with a feeling of “What did I actually get done today?”

Friday, January  5TH 2024
10 AM - 3 PM PT/1 PM - 6 PM EST

Still Only $97
(Complimentary for Currently Enrolled CALC Students at iACTcenter)


During this virtual workshop, we will go step by step, starting with reviewing the past year and ending with your comprehensive 2024 blueprint to take you from where you are to where you want to be!


Knowing what worked and didn't in your marketing this past year and a plan to fuel future growth.


Overview of this year's progress so you can “back-plan” your way to success.


Your personal comprehensive marketing calendar broken down by months, weeks, and days.


Awareness of money barriers in your business and how to create a profitable business that feels authentic and value-based.


Combining your money flow with your marketing activities and big-picture goals to serve your clients in a whole new way in the year ahead.

   Meet Laurie Dupar

Laurie Dupar is a trained Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner with 20 + years of experience as a credentialed ADHD Life Coach. In 2015, she raised the bar of ADHD Coach education by founding the International ADHD Coach Training Center (, an International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited coach training program. Using live virtual training technology, the iACTcenter trains emerging ADHD life coaches worldwide to reach their dream of making a living while making a difference.
With a commitment to providing value and service, and without formal training in business, Dupar learned “what works” from other successful entrepreneurs, has maintained a six-figure business since 2010, and generously shares what she knows with others.
In addition to coaching and being CEO of the iACTcenter, Laurie has co-authored the #1 Amazon bestseller series, the ADHD Awareness Book Project. Titles include: "365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD", "Inspirational Ways to Succeed with ADHD," and "Wacky Ways to Succeed with ADHD." She is a sought-after speaker and presenter on topics of ADHD, coaching, and entrepreneurship.
To find out if you might have what it takes to be a Certified ADHD Life Coach™ (CALC), take the online assessment, "Do You Have What it Takes to be an ADHD Life Coach?" now at

What Others Are Saying About The Strategic Planning Workshop

I really enjoyed the workshop and I loved all the planning tips, calendar breakdown, and helpful links. I am also so grateful for the breakout rooms and getting to know people a little better and find we all have similar struggles with getting our business off the ground or more profitable. You are truly an inspiration! You have given me so many great resources and ideas I can't wait to create my 2022 vision in an orderly and planned manner.

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Carolyn Morris

Laurie Dupar's ADDVance Your Business Planning Retreat was a wake-up call for me! It brought insight and consciousness to what I was doing. At the end of the day, I had a plan I could follow, track, adjust, and duplicate. Having Laurie's guidance, resources, and knowledge as I went through this process with others on the teleconference made it so easy to get the work done!  

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Anne Marie Nantais

I'm now documenting and tracking my plan so that it's my starting point for next year and most of it can simply be updated or just duplicated! Woohoo!

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Thank you, Laurie! I now make more effective use of daily and weekly time and more intentional planning for marketing and information.

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As a result (and only as a result) of the business planning retreat last week, I had that ‘AHA’ moment when I realized the significant advantage of planning way ahead. I wanted to get all the family (20 of us) together for a holiday and used software to schedule potential weeks. After a little coming and going, our holiday on a working farm in the beautiful countryside is now booked, and eleven adults and nine under-8s have over six months to look forward to an amazing time together! This is an excellent takeaway from Laurie’s course, and 20 people’s lives will probably be enriched forever!  

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Susannah Hills, IACTCenter Student

I have completed my budget - income projection and expense projection. I have my full year roughly planned and my 1Q fully planned. I really enjoyed the class and am putting so many of the things you taught into practice. I am even an affiliate for Linda Roggli's Palooza - I would have never done that before.  Working toward my explosion this year!  

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Mary E. Smith, ADHD Coach at Encouraging Development

Success Doesn't Just Happen. It's Planned. Are You Ready for 2024?

Come to this workshop confused, overwhelmed, and uncertain. Leave after 6 hours with:

  • Excitement about what the upcoming year holds
  • A plan to ride the middle 2020's wave
  • 6 hours of recorded virtual video training 
  • Accompanying Printable Workbook
  • Increased confidence in thriving and serving your clients another year!

This Advance Your Business Workshop is for you as a new or experienced ADHD Life Coach (or any solo entrepreneur) who:
  • Wants a more effective strategy to market your business and attract your ideal clients
  • Had your world turned upside down in 2020 and need to figure out how to work remotely or readjust to in-person coaching. Is earning less than $5,000 per month and wishes you could earn an income that removed financial stress from your life.
  • Feels like 'plan' is a four-letter word, but knows you must stop running around in circles.
  • Is confused about planning–whether it’s finding the time to plan, implement the plan, or prioritize the plan so you can stop being so scattered.
  • Knows your vision but feel overwhelmed with the daily to-dos and never have time to think about what's next.
  • Is anxious about what the next year will bring and don't want to be left without Plan A...or Plan B...or even Plan G!
  • Works tirelessly all day but often finishes the day with a feeling of “What did I actually get done today?”

10 AM - 3 PM PT/1 PM - 6 PM EST  
(Complimentary for Currently Enrolled CALC iACTcenter Students) 

©2024 Laurie Dupar | iACTcenter, LLC | Privacy Policy
